According to U.S. Census 2020-2021 estimates, Fremont, California has a population exceeding 227,000 as of July 2021. It barely makes the list of 100 largest cities in America. Credit Karma data, which was updated Aug. 17, 2022 shows that the average debt of the 66.384 Fremont residents is $100,584. This includes auto loans, auto leases as well as student loans, mortgages and credit card balances. (Click here to see the complete methodology.
Continue reading to see an overview of Fremont’s debt.
Snapshot of Credit Karma Stat
Total debt in Fremont
Fremont’s 66,384 Credit Karma members had a total combined debt of $11.6 billion. Individual members had an average total debt of $100,584. Fremont had a median overall debt of $100,584. This was the smallest gap among the 100 largest cities. This debt has an average payment of $699.
Credit Karma members have an average national debt of $49,454 and a median of $11,223.
Fremont’s debt dial
Student loans, auto loans, mortgages, and credit card debt in Fremont
Below is a table that shows the average and median debt levels of Credit Karma members from Fremont.
Debt type |
Credit Karma members who have debt type |
Average debt |
Median debt |
Average next payment |
Auto loan | 44,171 | $23,177 | $18,139 | $577 |
Student loan | 17,102 | $30,395 | $15,083 | $52 |
Hypothec Mortgage | 25,363 | $508,521 | $381,228 | $2,765 |
Credit card | 64,455 | $6,682 | $3,055 | $182 |
How does Fremont’s population compare with national averages? Below is a table that compares the national average to the Fremont averages among Credit Karma members.
Debt type |
Average national credit of Credit Karma members |
Buffalo member average debt |
Auto loan | $24,042 | $23,177 |
Student loan | $32,004 | $30,395 |
Hypothec Mortgage | $235,194 | $508,521 |
Credit card | $6,469 | $6,682 |
Credit Karma members in Fremont had overall less debt than the national average for all categories.
Where does Fremont rank in comparison to other cities?
We compared the average Credit Karma member living in 100 top cities by population, according to U.S. Census population estimates for 2021.
Fremont is the third most expensive city in Credit Karma’s top 100. Fremont is one the three largest cities with an average debt greater than $100,000.
Here are the Fremont residents compared to other top 100 American cities.
- Auto loan debt52nd
- Credit card debt: 27th highest
- Student loan debt: 68th highest
- Mortgage debt: 8th highest
Credit inquiries, past-due accounts and credit in Fremont
Credit Karma members in Fremont had an average VantageScore 3.0 credit score of 707 and a median score of 733 respectively, which is both considered high. Credit Karma members had a national average VantageScore 3.0 score of 673 and a median score of 682.
Fremont residents had an average of 3.0 inquiries on credit reports. The national average was 4.2.
Fremont residents have an average of 0.52 accounts 30 days overdue. Nationally, the average account is 0.74.
We analyzed the accounts and transactions of approximately 103,800 Credit Karma members who were active within the past 36 months to determine the average across all categories of debt. The averages were calculated using information from TransUnion credit reports for members from the 90-day period prior to data pull on Aug. 17, 2022. This analysis includes auto lease, credit card, student loan, auto loan, credit cards, mortgage and medical debt. All numbers were round to the nearest whole in this report.
All data in this article were pulled Aug. 17, 2022.