Nearly every state requires that you have car insurance in order to drive a car. However, getting insurance is not always easy. Every person is different and each individual has their own set of factors that influence their car insurance rates. Each insurer can also evaluate the risk of each customer differently. Finding the best […]

Nearly every state requires that you have car insurance in order to drive a car. However, getting insurance is not always easy.

Every person is different and each individual has their own set of factors that influence their car insurance rates. Each insurer can also evaluate the risk of each customer differently.

Finding the best car insurance policy for you is not as easy as getting one quote. This is especially true if you have a poor driving record. Higher rates may be offered to drivers who have had accidents, speeding tickets, DUIs, or any other negative driving record.

You will need to dig deeper to find the best car insurance deal for you if you fall within this category. Here are our top picks for high-risk car insurers to help you narrow down your options.

Best overall: Geico

Why Geico stands above the rest. Geico is a generally accessible insurer with availability in all 50 US states and the District of Columbia. However, some discounts, coverages, or other features might not be available everywhere. Geico’s availability is excellent in all regions. Geico also scores higher than the J.D. regional average. For overall customer satisfaction, Power’s 2022 U.S. Auto Insurance Study is recommended.

What you need to know about Geico’s auto insurance

Geico offers basic coverage options like liability, collision, comprehensive and uninsured/underinsured motorist, as well as optional add-ons such as emergency road service, rental reimbursement and mechanical breakdown coverage.

Those who require an SR-22 certificate proving financial responsibility can indicate this during the quote process. Although there is a fee and a surcharge depending on the state, you only need to pay it once. Geico will file your certificate. For rates that are potentially lower, discounts may also be available.

Geico offers discounts for students, drivers, and defensive drivers, so younger drivers may be at higher risk.

To learn more, read our complete review of Geico.

For people who have a military affiliation, USAA is the best:

Why USAA might be a good option for high-risk drivers who have a military affiliation.USAA’s exceptional customer service is what makes it stand out. Although it did not meet the criteria for J.D. USAA scored high in all regions of the U.S. Auto Insurance Study 2022 by Power. There are many car insurance discounts offered by the company that can lower your auto insurance cost. USAA membership is only available to those who have a military connection.

Here are some facts about USAA auto insurance

USAA is available for military personnel and their families across the country. The company offers liability, comprehensive, collision and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverages. Additional coverages include roadside insurance, which covers towing, tire changing and fuel delivery following a breakdown, and rental car reimbursement. This pays for rental car expenses in the event of an accident.

If required by your state, you may obtain a Statement of Financial Responsibility (SR-22) online or by calling a representative. USAA’s usage-based program, SafePilot may lower premiums for those who have good driving habits. There are also discounts available that can offset high-risk drivers’ costs.

To learn more, read our complete review of USAA.

Best for discounts: State Farm

Why State Farm might be a good option for finding discounts.State Farm know offers tips and information on its website about obtaining coverage and minimizing premiums. It has a solid customer satisfaction record. This is true in all areas that J.D. covers. Power’s 2022 U.S. Auto Insurance Study.

What you need to know about State Farm’s auto insurance

State Farm offers auto insurance that covers all aspects of your vehicle (liability/completion and collision), and optional coverages such as rideshare, emergency road service and car rental.

State Farm has a few options for high-risk drivers. They offer discounts on your premium if you take a defensive driving course approved by the company or stay accident-free for at most three years. Steer Clear certification is another option for young drivers who are less than 25 years old and have high-risk profiles. The program requires that you complete five driving lessons and practice five hours per week. You also need to have no moving violations or at-fault accidents in the last three years.

State Farm’s usage-based program Drive Safe & Save allows people living in eligible states to get their rates reduced by as much as 30%. State Farm offers vehicle safety, passive restraint and bundling discounts.

Check out our complete review of State Farm.

The best way to get a quote is the General

Why the General might be a good option for drivers who cannot find quotes elsewhere. If you are having trouble finding quotes from other insurance companies, The General might be an option. The company says that it provides insurance to drivers with driving violations, accidents, less-than perfect credit, and those who have had insurance lapses. J.D. does not include The General. Power’s 2022 U.S. Auto Insurance Study.

What you need to know about The General Auto Insurance

Although the General does not offer extensive coverage, it markets to high-risk drivers. Liability, comprehensive and collision coverages are available, as are medical payment coverage and uninsured/underinsured motorist. In most states, the General is available.

The General can help with any state-mandated proofs of insurance for those who need SR-22 and FR-44 filings. A person’s academic achievements, completion of a defensive driving course, and a clean driving record over a substantial period of time may qualify for discounts.

Check out our complete review of The General.

How did we choose these insurers

To determine the top auto insurers that offer high-risk auto insurance, we used information from each company’s website. Data from J.D. We also considered data from J.D. We considered seven different insurers before narrowing our selection to the four we have listed above.

FAQs regarding high-risk auto insurance

Should high-risk people be offered insurance quotes by insurers?

Insurance companies are not required by law to insure any driver.

What if I don’t get an insurance quote?

Contact your state’s insurance department to inquire about a state-assigned pool of risk if you are having trouble finding insurance. Although these pools can help people get insurance, it may be costly.